Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Trámites para solicitar el asilo político en EE.UU.

Trmites para solicitar el asilo polã ­tico en EE.UU. Solicitar y obtener el asilo polã ­tico permite que personas extranjeras puedan quedarse a vivir en Estados Unidos y ganar estatus lawful. Con el paso del tiempo puede obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente â€green card†y despuã ©s, si se desea, la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense. Sin ban, una nueva polã ­tica anunciada por el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump y con fecha de entrada en energy del 16 de julio de 2019 limita grandemente quiã ©nes pueden solicitar asilo en la frontera terrestre que separa Estados Unidos y Mã ©xico, como se explica ms abajo. Causas para solicitar el asilo en Estados Unidos Puede solicitar asilo polã ­tico cualquier persona que teme, con fundamento, que pueda ser perseguida o ya ha sufrido persecuciã ³n por razã ³n de: su razanacionalidadreligiã ³nopiniã ³n polã ­ticapor pertenecer an un determinado grupo social Si no se cumple con ninguna de estas causas, todavã ­a feed otras opciones migratorias para las vã ­ctimas de: asalto sexualviolencia que califica para la visa Utrfico humano (visa T)violencia domã ©stica por ley que se conoce como VAWAprograma SIJ para niã ±os y jã ³venes solteros menores de 21 aã ±os que sufren abuso, negligencia o abandono. Dã ³nde y cundo se solicita el asilo Para solicitar el asilo es requisito imprescindible que el solicitante se encuentre presencia en Estados Unidos o en una de sus fronteras. Sin ban, a partir del 16 de julio de 2019 tasks los migrantes que se presentan en la frontera terrestre de Estados Unidos con Mã ©xico y solicitan asilo sern rechazados, excepto en dos excepciones. En groundwork lugar, se aceptar la peticiã ³n de asilo de aquellos migrantes que puedan demostrar que pidieron asilo en al menos un tercer paã ­s por el que hayan pasado previamente y dicha solicitud fue rechazada. Y, en segundo lugar, se aceptar para su tramitaciã ³n â€que no quiere decir aprobaciã ³n†la solicitud de migrantes que pueden probar que han sido vã ­ctimas de una forma severa de trfico humano. Esta nueva polã ­tica afecta los migrantes de todas las nacionalidades que se presentan en la frontera terrestre sur de EE.UU y solicitan asilo, excepto mexicanos y canadienses, que child vecinos geogrficamente y, por lo tanto, no estar obligados a pedir asilo previamente en un tercer paã ­s. Sin ban, sã ­ que afecta a los mexicanos que se presentan en una frontera marã ­tima. Por ejemplo, un salvadoreã ±o que deal de su paã ­s por vã ­a terrestre con el blade de llegar an EE.UU. est obligado a pedir asilo en Guatemala o Mã ©xico risks que en EE.UU. ya que en la frontera estadounidense solo se aceptar su solicitud si: se cumplen los requisitos para el asilopuede demostrar que aplicã ³ en al menos un paã ­s por el que transitã ³ y su aplicaciã ³n no ha sido aceptada. Si eso no es asã ­, el oficial de migraciã ³n de EE.UU. no aceptar una aplicaciã ³n de asilo en la frontera estadounidense. Adems, las personas que ya se encuentran en EE.UU. podrn solicitar asilo risks de que pase un aã ±o a contar desde el dã ­a de la à ºltima entrada al paã ­s. Sin ban, existen excepciones an esta à ºltima regla. Por ejemplo, si una persona ha entrado hace ms de 365 dã ­as y en su paã ­s de origen se produce un cambio de rã ©gimen que lo pone en peligro si regresa, puede entonces solicitar el asilo. Child lo que se llama circunstancias excepcionales o cambiantes. Obligaciã ³n de esperar en Mã ©xico Una de las novedades en materia migratoria impuestas por el gobierno del presidente Donald Trump es el Programa de Protocolo de Protecciã ³n al Migrante, conocido por sus iniciales MPP o por Permanecer en Mã ©xico. Segã ºn este programa que comenzã ³ an implementarse en enero de 2019 en el Puerto de Entrada de San Ysidro y se ha extendido an otros puntos de a frontera sur, los solicitantes de asilo en la frontera que no pasan la entrevista de miedo creã ­ble efectuada en persona, por telã ©fono o videoconferencia con un oficial de USCIS, child puestos en un procedimiento de remociã ³n y deben esperar en Mã ©xico mientras esperan su caso. Estas personas reciben una carta en la que se le notifica quã © dã ­a deben presentarse en la entrada del paso migratorio an EE.UU. para ser escoltados por oficiales de ICE a corte migratoria, para decidir sobre ace schedule de su procedimiento. Bet esa Corte es donde deben luchar para ganar su caso de asilo. Tipos de solicitud de asiloâ Roughage dos posibles caminos para pedir asilo: el afirmativo, que choose el Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Ciudadanã ­a, (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) y el defensivo, que se tiene lugar en corte legal. Proceso afirmativo de asilo bet USCIS Como regla general, debe esperarse un proceso largo en el que deben llenarse formularios y presentar un buen argumento de las razones para que el asilo ocean aprobado. Elâ formulario I-589 es el que se utiliza para solicitar el asilo. Una vez que se pone en marcha el proceso se recibir una carta del USCIS notificando la apertura del caso y su identificaciã ³n con un nombre. El solicitante de asilo recibir ms tarde una carta para presentarse en un Centro de Apoyo an Aplicaciones para sacar las huellas digitales y otros datos biomã ©tricos. Si la persona que solicita el asilo incluye en su peticiã ³n a su cã ³nyuge y/o hijos solteros menores de 21 aã ±os y estos estn en USA, debern tambiã ©n presentarse para esa cita. Posteriormente, el solicitante de asilo recibir una carta en la que se fija el dã ­a y el lugar para una entrevista con un oficial del USCIS. Es muy conveniente ir acompaã ±ado de un abogado y preparar la entrevista de tal manera que task lo que se conteste guarde consistencia con lo que se afirmã ³ en la carta de solicitud de asilo. Adems, si estn en USA el cã ³nyuge y/o hijos para los que se pide un asilo derivado, tambiã ©n deben presentarse. Por à ºltimo, llevar testigos, si los feed y pueden ayudar al caso y toda la documentaciã ³n que apoye el caso y sirva para identificarse, unique y una copia traducida al inglã ©s. A continuaciã ³n, el oficial que realiza la entrevista llega an una decisiã ³n, que debe ser supervisada por su unrivaled. En algunos casos habr internamente dentro del USCIS otra revisiã ³n, pero child casos excepcionales. Finalmente, USCIS comunica la decisiã ³n, bien en persona al solicitante que debe presentarse de nuevo en una oficina del USCIS o bien por carta. Si el asilo es aprobado, se puede trabajar y permanecer en Estados Unidos, solicitar un Nã ºmero del Seguro Social, sacar la licencia de manejar, y se podrã ­a tener derecho a ciertos beneficios sociales como Medicaid, SNAP o TANF. Sin ban, la peticiã ³n puede ser denegada por cualquiera de las siguientes causas: no se reã ºnen las condiciones para ser considerado asilado por no probar miedo creã ­ble.porque se ha cometido cierto tipo de delitos graves o se es considerado un peligro a la seguridad nacional, como por ejemplo formar parte de pandillas.porque se estaba asentado de manera firme en un tercer paã ­s risks de venir a los Estados Unidospor no cumplirse con los requisitos de plazos (1 aã ±o desde la à ºltima llegada al paã ­s para solicitar) o porque previamente ya una corte lo habã ­a denegado y no feed cambios excepcionales. Si la solicitud de asilo es negada y el solicitante carece de estatus migratorio legitimate el USCIS lo envã ­a risk el sistema de Cortes de Inmigraciã ³n donde se abre un proceso de deportaciã ³n (expulsion procedures) y se analizar de nuevo si tiene derecho al asilo, en lo que se conoce como procedimiento defensivo. Proceso defensivo los requisitos para asilo risk corte En el proceso defensivo de la solicitud de asilo el solicitante tiene abierto en su contra un procedimiento de deportaciã ³n o de expulsiã ³n inmediataâ (removal procedures). Esto sucede en varios casos. Por ejemplo: cuando el USCIS deniega una peticiã ³n de asilo (tipo afirmativo) an una persona que no tiene estatus legal.cuando una persona indocumentada es detenida o esâ agarrada intentando ingresar ilegalmente la frontera yâ en ese momento solicita asilo.cuando una persona realiza una solicitud de asilo al llegar an un puerto de ingreso an EE.UU. y, despuã ©s de una entrevista con un oficial de USCIS, este determina que no ha pasado satisfactoriamente la entrevista de miedo creã ­ble. El juez puede conceder la peticiã ³n de asilo o denegarla. En este à ºltimo caso, la decisiã ³n se puede apelar. Si la solicitud se considera que fue frã ­vola, la persona que la presentã ³ no podr regresar an EE.UU. siguiendo un conducto lawful. Si se agota la apelaciã ³n sin que el asilo se conceda, el extranjero debe abandonar Estados Unidos, a menos que pueda conseguir algã ºn tipo de protecciã ³n, como un retaining of expulsion o una protecciã ³n bajo el acuerdo contra la tortura (CAT, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). Asilo para los familiares inmediatosâ El esposo o la mujer y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aã ±os de una persona a la que se le aprueba la peticiã ³n de asilo pueden tambiã ©n beneficiarse de ese mismo estatus, tanto si ya estn en ese momento en Estados Unidos como si estn en otro paã ­s. En ambos casos lo que tiene que hacer la persona que gana el asilo es llenar una aplicaciã ³n I-730 (after to-join) por cada uno de los miembros de su familia que reã ºnen esas condiciones. Tiene dos aã ±os para hacerlo y el plazo comienza a contar desde el dã ­a en que se le aprobã ³ la solicitud. Adems, la relaciã�

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rape as a Tool of War in DRC

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has experienced a progression of war in the course of recent years. The primary war that broke out in 1996 and finished in 1997, expelled long time ruler Mobutu Sese Seko and brought to control Laurent Kabila, a radical chief upheld by Rwanda and Burundi (HRW 35).Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Rape as a Tool of War in DRC explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The second war from 1998-2003, began when Laurent Kabila couldn't help contradicting his underlying sponsor, impelling Rwanda and Uganda to attack the east of the nation. The war prompted the passing of around 5.4 million individuals. Sexual viciousness was across the board and in some cases efficient. Adversary bunches utilized it as an instrument of war to purposely threaten regular folks, to apply command over them or rebuff them for saw coordinated effort with the foe. Reports show that outfitted gatherings would steal ladies including little youngst ers and use them as sexual slaves (HRW 40). A significant number of the violations carried out added up to wrongdoings against mankind. Truth be told, ladies attested that the war was being battled on their bodies (HRW 43). Sexual viciousness proceeded in the Congo all through the harmony procedure and the national races in 2006. In Eastern Congo, new equipped gatherings developed prompting proceeded with execution of assault cases. Reports show that sexual viciousness against ladies proceeded in North Kivu in 2008 because of extreme battling between rival gatherings (HRW 44). Rates of assault engendered by regular folks have outstandingly expanded in the ongoing past. This is because of an expansion of deactivated warriors who have reintegrated into society in the midst of poor restoration gauges in the public arena. The brutalization of society that has dissolved defensive social standards additionally adds to these wrongdoings (HRW 45). These abominations against ladies have prom pted the delegated of Congo as the most exceedingly awful spot on earth to be a lady. The Congolese national armed force (FARDC) is considered as the key culprits of sexual viciousness. The military came into place after the establishment of the transitional government in June 2003 (HRW 56). This military brought troopers from all the main renegade gatherings just as previous government armed force together. The technique planned for making congruity. Official and officer bunches were split between them. Also, the transitional government presented another arrangement called mistake in which new units were shaped including fighters from primary opponent groups.Advertising Looking for article on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This strategy focused to break previous levels of leadership and upgrade the coordination of previous adversary soldiers into new units. A quick incorporation process that occurred in 2009 saw evaluated 12,000 warriors from rebel bunches join the national armed force. The national armed force was evaluated to have near 60,000 officers after, the incorporation procedure. The national armed force experienced long standing issues that included indiscipline, pay, order and control and contributed further to the world scale mishandles submitted without any potential repercussions by the Congolese officers. Since they had been sent all through the nation, the fighters framed the biggest culprits of assault cases. Since the military was described by net unfortunate behavior, armed force officials couldn't stop sexual brutality or rebuff wayward troopers. The war in the Democratic Republic of Congo prompted a genuine monetary emergency. Initially, the war caused huge annihilation on the neighborhood framework. This caused a decrease in the neighborhood creation of the nation. Besides, the war brought to an end the nearby financial industry. Business visionaries couldn't get t o assets to restore the nearby foundations and get their organizations running. Outside financial specialists and worldwide loaning establishments pull back their help. The revolutionary chiefs assumed responsibility for trans-outskirt trade (Vlassenroot and Raeymaekers 56). The renegade heads additionally prompted the arrangement of casual assessment installments frameworks. Businesspeople who needed to advance needed to frame well disposed associations with the revolutionary chiefs who controlled the development of products. The representatives needed to pay pretax on custom obligations to get favors from the military heads. The circumstance crashed any individual who thought of maintaining a business in the Congo. Thus, makers and brokers needed to manage a lofty increment in costs of imported family unit items. What's more, costs for nearby horticultural items rose. The war prompted a move from neighborhood creation, to the importation of effectively made items from remote natio ns. All in all, it very well may be noticed that the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo essentially influenced ladies. Battling parties utilized the ladies as instruments of war. Ladies were assaulted by troopers of their adversary bunches in reprisal and held prisoner in return for their spouses. The circumstance compounded further when agitator bunches jumped up and spread sexual savagery against ladies. Ladies truly flee from troopers and the outfitted crooks. The transitional government armed force that included fighters from boss opponent gatherings had net offense among its soldiers.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Rape as a Tool of War in DRC explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The army’s primary aim was to make amicability among the adversary gatherings. Be that as it may, net offense and poor coordination won in the military. The ladies endured broad physical and mental impacts. In spite of the tremendous financial capability of the Democratic republic of Congo, the nation has not understood its normal conservative returns. The arrangement of wars destabilized the country’s economy. Works Cited Human Rights Watch (HRW). Fighters who Rape, Commanders who excuse: Sexual Violence and Military Reform in the DRC. New York: HRW, 2009. Print. Vlassenroot, K. what's more, Raeymaekers, T. Struggle and Social Transformation in Eastern DRC. Massachussets: Academia Press, 2009 Print. This paper on Rape as a Tool of War in DRC was composed and put together by client Esmeralda Wilkinson to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; nonetheless, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Who WIll Win the Nobel Prize

Who WIll Win the Nobel Prize One week from today on Monday, October 8 the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden will begin to award this years Nobel Prizes. Nobel Week is a pretty exciting time on campus, since a current or former MIT faculty member or alum has won a Nobel every year since 1993. So this year, just for fun, Im doing a poll.   Which MIT professor is your pick to win a Nobel Prize this year? Vote Now on Facebook The nominees come from the Thomson Reuters list of Citation Laureates (which has been a reasonable predictor of winners). Here they are, in alphabetical order, listed with the Nobel they might win and why they might win it: Alan Guth (Physics) Cosmic inflation On the blogs: My advisor won $3 million Jerry Hausman (Economics) Econometrics / Hausman test Bengt Holmstrom (Economics) Theory of the firm | Contracting and incentives On the blogs: Holmstrom, et al. Richard Hynes (Medicine) Cell adhesion Eric Lander (Medicine) Human genome mapping On the blogs: Eric Lander, spring rolls, and the New York Times Robert Langer (Medicine) Drug delivery systems | Tissue engineering On the blogs: Rubbing elbows Stephen Lippard (Chemistry) Bioinorganic chemistry / Metallointercalators Stephen Ross (Economics) Arbitrage Pricing Theory Robert Weinberg (Medicine) Oncogenes On the blogs: Profiles in Courage Cast your vote now on the MIT Admissions Facebook page!

Who WIll Win the Nobel Prize

Who WIll Win the Nobel Prize One week from today on Monday, October 8 the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden will begin to award this years Nobel Prizes. Nobel Week is a pretty exciting time on campus, since a current or former MIT faculty member or alum has won a Nobel every year since 1993. So this year, just for fun, Im doing a poll.   Which MIT professor is your pick to win a Nobel Prize this year? Vote Now on Facebook The nominees come from the Thomson Reuters list of Citation Laureates (which has been a reasonable predictor of winners). Here they are, in alphabetical order, listed with the Nobel they might win and why they might win it: Alan Guth (Physics) Cosmic inflation On the blogs: My advisor won $3 million Jerry Hausman (Economics) Econometrics / Hausman test Bengt Holmstrom (Economics) Theory of the firm | Contracting and incentives On the blogs: Holmstrom, et al. Richard Hynes (Medicine) Cell adhesion Eric Lander (Medicine) Human genome mapping On the blogs: Eric Lander, spring rolls, and the New York Times Robert Langer (Medicine) Drug delivery systems | Tissue engineering On the blogs: Rubbing elbows Stephen Lippard (Chemistry) Bioinorganic chemistry / Metallointercalators Stephen Ross (Economics) Arbitrage Pricing Theory Robert Weinberg (Medicine) Oncogenes On the blogs: Profiles in Courage Cast your vote now on the MIT Admissions Facebook page!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Daniel Hale Williams, Heart Surgery Pioneer

American physician Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1856—August 4, 1931), a pioneer in the field of medicine, was the first African American to perform successful open heart surgery. Dr. Williams also founded Chicagos Provident Hospital and co-founded the National Medical Association. Fast Facts: Dr. Daniel Hale Williams Full Name: Daniel Hale Williams, IIIBorn: January 18, 1856 in Hollidaysburg, PennsylvaniaDied: August 4, 1931 in Idlewild, MichiganParents: Daniel Hale Williams, II and Sarah Price WilliamsSpouse: Alice Johnson (m. 1898-1924)Education: M.D. from Chicago Medical College (now Northwestern University Medical School)Key Accomplishments: First African American to perform successful open heart surgery, founder of Provident Hospital (the first  black owned and operated interracial hospital in the U.S.), and co-founder of the National Medical Association. Early Years Daniel Hale Williams, III, was born on January 18, 1856 to Daniel Hale and Sarah Price Williams in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. His father was a barber and the family, including Daniel and his six siblings, moved to Annapolis, Maryland, when Daniel was a young boy. Shortly after the move, his father died from tuberculosis and his mother moved the family to Baltimore, Maryland. Daniel became a shoemakers apprentice for a while and later moved to Wisconsin, where he became a barber. After graduating from high school, Daniel grew interested in medicine and served as an apprentice to a well known local surgeon, Dr. Henry Palmer. This apprenticeship lasted two years, and then Daniel was accepted to the Chicago Medical College, affiliated with Northwestern University. He graduated in 1883 with an M.D. degree. Career and Accomplishments Dr. Daniel Hale Williams began practicing medicine and surgery at Chicagos South Side Dispensary. He was also the first African American anatomy instructor at Chicago Medical College, where he taught notable future physicians such as Mayo Clinics co-founder Charles Mayo. By 1889, other notable appointments for Dr. Williams included the City Railway Company, the Protestant Orphan Asylum, and the Illinois State Board of Health. These were very unique accomplishments for the time, considering that there were very few black doctors at this point in African American history. Dr. Williams gained a reputation as a highly skilled surgeon whose practice included treatment for all patients, regardless of race. This was life-saving for African Americans at the time because they were not allowed admittance to hospitals. African American doctors were not allowed on staff in hospitals either. In 1890, a friend of Dr. Williams asked him for help as his sister was being denied entrance into nursing school because she was black. In 1891, Dr. Williams founded the Provident Hospital and Nursing Training School. This was the first  black owned and operated interracial hospital in the U.S. and served as a training ground for nurses and African American doctors. First Open Heart Surgery In 1893, Dr. Williams gained notoriety for successfully treating a man, James Cornish, with stab wounds to the heart. Although physicians at the time were aware of the revolutionary works of Louis Pastuer and Joseph Lister in relation to germs and medical surgery, open heart surgery was generally avoided due to the high risk of infection and subsequent death. Williams had no access to X-rays, antibiotics, anesthetics, blood transfusions, or modern equipment. Employing Listers antiseptic technique, he performed the surgery suturing the pericardium (protective lining) of the heart. This would be the first successful heart surgery performed by an African American and second by an American doctor. In 1891, Henry C. Dalton had surgically repaired a pericardial wound of the heart on a patient in St. Louis. Later Years In 1894, Dr. Williams obtained the position of surgeon-in-chief at Freedmens Hospital in Washington, D.C. This hospital served the needs of the poor and newly freed slaves after the Civil War. In four years, Williams transformed the hospital, making dramatic improvements in the admission of surgical cases and drastically reducing the hospitals mortality rate. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams succeeded in the face of discrimination his entire life. In 1895, he co-founded the National Medical Association in response to the American Medical Associations denial of membership to blacks. The National Medical Association became the only national professional organization available for black physicians. In 1898, Williams resigned from Freedmens Hospital and married Alice Johnson, daughter of sculptor Moses Jacob Ezekiel. The newlyweds returned to Chicago, where Williams became chief of surgery at Provident Hospital. Death and Legacy After resigning from his position at Provident Hospital in 1912, Williams was appointed staff surgeon at St. Lukes Hospital in Chicago. Among his many honors, he was named the American College of Surgeons first black fellow. He remained at St. Lukes Hospital until suffering a stroke in 1926. Upon his retirement, Williams spent his remaining days in Idlewild, Michigan, where he died on August 4, 1931. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams would leave a legacy of greatness in the face of discrimination. He demonstrated that African Americans are no less intelligent or valuable than any other Americans. He saved many lives by establishing Provident Hospital and provided proficient medical care, and he also helped train a new generation of African American physicians and nurses. Sources Daniel Hale Willaims : Alumni Exhibit. Walter Dill Scott, University Archives, Northwestern University Library, Northwestern University Archives (NUL), Hale Williams., AE Networks Television, 19 Jan. 2018, - Dr. Daniel Hale Williams. The Provident Foundation, Second Open-Heart Surgery Performed In Chicago 119 Years Ago. The Huffington Post,, 10 July 2017,

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay about Tiger Woods - 3985 Words

Tiger Woods â€Å"Given the year we just experienced in golf, it would be phenomenal if we see anything in 2001 that will even remotely compare. We witnessed an incredible season by the game’s most dominant player-in this era or any other. We saw how fans and players alike could respect the game in an international competition. And, we have seen the game’s visibility skyrocket† (Strange 20). â€Å"Are you ready for me† (Kindred 232)? -Tiger Woods arriving on the tour with this famous television commercial that presented him not only as a talented golfer but also as an in your face crusader against racial discrimination. These quotes make it clear of Tiger Woods’ impact on the game of golf and the†¦show more content†¦He won the Optimist International Junior World Championship six times at the age of eight, nine, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen. At age fourteen, he competed in a Tournament in Paris, France and was named the Southern California Player of the Year. At fifteen, he was the youngest ever to win the U.S. Junior Amateur Championship and repeated as champion the next two years, the only player to have accomplished this feat. That same year he won the AJGA player of the year award, the Golf Digest Player of the Year, the Titleist-Golfweek National Amateur of the Year, and was named a first team Rolex Junior All-American. At age sixteen he won many of these same awards, and participated in his first professional event, The Nissan Los Angeles Open, and won the first of his three successive Golf World Player of the Year Awards. At the age of 17 he won the Dial Award given to the top national high school male athlete for 1993. That year he also accepted a full scholarship to Stanford University, an honor reflecting not only his tremendous golfing ability but also his academic achievements. The Adult Master: Even in the highly competitive college atmosphere he met no competition. In his first event at Stanford he won the William Tucker Invitational. That year he also played in three PGA Tour events, won the Western Amateur, and became the youngest champion of the US Amateur,Show MoreRelatedThe Collapse Of Tiger Woods1533 Words   |  7 PagesFrom the top of the golf charts to the nadir of social perspective, Tiger Woods has captivated America on multiple occasions without doubt. For every golf tournament win he has, there seems to be an equal amount of mistresses he had. It seems that as he rose to the pinnacle of stardom, the easier it became for Woods to fall into the traps of sex and drugs that have ensnared so many. From the moral degradation of Woods came the collapse of multiple journalistic standards. Shoddy reporting became commonRead More Tiger Woods Essay585 Words   |  3 Pages Tiger Woods was born with the name Eldrick Woods on December 30, 1975, in Orlando, F lorida. Early on, Tiger’s parents, Earl and Kultilda Woods, introduced their only child to the sport he has come to dominate, giving him a sawed-off putter to practice with as soon as he could stand up on his own. At the age of 8, he won the first of six Optimist International Junior World Titles. After perhaps the most remarkable amateur career ever—he won the U.S. Junior Amateur Championships in 1991, 1992, andRead MoreTaking a Look at Tiger Woods763 Words   |  3 Pages Tiger Woods is a trailblazer who has shown bountiful amounts of people that even when times get rough they can still succeed. Tiger Woods real name is Eldrick Woods and his father was a huge inspiration to him. (Hasday, page 1) He was given trouble because he didnt have the same race as everyone else although, â€Å"he was actually of African American, Native American, Asian, and Caucasian background.† (Britannica School, 2014) Tiger Woods has gone through many tragedies and he is such a str ong personRead MoreThe Companies That Dropped Tiger Woods1332 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: THE COMPANIES THAT DROPPED TIGER WOODS The Companies That Dropped Tiger Woods During His Scandal Should Not Reinstate Him Joseph E. Thomas TUI UNIVERSITY THE COMPANIES THAT DROPPED TIGER WOODS Abstract This paper explores the truth about when a popular athlete such as Tiger Woods makes a mistake or is even just faced with accusations of a crime these moral clauses are revisited extensively, because the end results and affects of such a marketing campaign that includes a celebrityRead More Biography Of Tiger Woods Essay838 Words   |  4 Pages Biography of Tiger Woods quot;Let your clubs speak for you.quot; Tiger Woods was too young to notice the racism around him. He didnamp;#8217;t understand that in this world, people were judged by the color of their skin. He couldnamp;#8217;t speak out about it; he couldnamp;#8217;t voice his opinions, or come up with possible solutions because he was too young. Tiger faced many racial ordeals throughout his life, mainly because he was half-Thai and half-black. He broke into the sport of golfRead MoreThe Game Of Golf : Tiger Woods1752 Words   |  8 Pagesand certainly a great amount of patience, not to mention hours of training. One world-renowned professional golfer displayed all of those traits. That golfer is Eldrick Woods, also known as Tiger Woods. At the age of only four years old, Tiger was already being coached by Rudy Duran, a golf professional, who stated that Tiger was like Mozart and compared him to a â€Å"shrunken touring pro† (Strege, 1997). That was at the age of four! Tiger’s dedication to the game of golf and h is need to win attitudeRead MoreTiger Woods And Its Effect On Golf2084 Words   |  9 Pagesmundane twenty years ago, evolved when Tiger Woods came to the scene. I started golfing during high school and loved it for the single fact, Tiger Woods played it. Growing up I pictured golf as that once boring sport played by old white men lacking a fan base. Just like myself, many people hated the idea of watching golf, so the sport needed a change. Tour earnings were low, scoring was average, and young people did not want to pick up the sport. Tiger Woods came on the tour in 1997 and astronomicallyRead MoreThe Beginning of the End for Tiger Woods505 Words   |  2 Pagessocial media or magazines. This fuels the fire that runs the world because it is in our basic nature to break the rules sometimes and not have to worry about facing the consequences. This is true for Tiger Woods, but he must not have been thinking of the consequences before he took action. Tiger Woods was living the high life. He was at his all time best in golf from 1999 until about 2008. The massive amounts of money were pouring in from sponsors such as Nike. He even got a personal invitation fromRead MoreTiger Woods Case At The Age Of 201362 Words   |  6 PagesTiger Woods Case In 1996, Tiger Woods had decided to become a professional golfer at the age of 20. In that same year he won a PGA tournament and the Walt Disney World/Oldsmobile Classic. He was awarded Rookie of the Year as well as Sportsman of the Year. Before Woods even turned pro he was being compared to golf legend Jack Nicklaus. (Crain, 1996). Tiger Woods had attracted and exposed a new type of demographic to the game of golf. The following year Woods, who is a minority had become the youngestRead MoreA Brief Biography of Tiger Woods Essay878 Words   |  4 Pagesdeal with it. - Tiger Woods. Not only does this quote relate to Golf, but it can be related to what Tiger stands for as an individual. Tiger, even at a young age was treated as one of the best golfers ever to have lived. He was beating professionals such as John Daly at the age of 13 years old. Also at that young age he was being recruited by many high level colleges, including Stanford, University of Las Vegas or UNLV, and Washington University. College was only a small step for Tiger, he had his mind

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Literary Analysis of Israel Horovitz´s The Christmas...

In Israel Horovitz’s stage production of â€Å"A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley†, the spirit of the characters develops into an adventurous journey. The setting is Christmas Eve and a poor man is working diligently while the owner, Ebenezer Scrooge, refuses to let him have Christmas Day off. Later that night at Scrooges house, his old, dead, partner in business, Marley, visits him and tells him to change his ways and that three ghosts will come to haunt him: The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and The Ghost of Christmas Future. They all show him scenes in which Scrooge realizes his guilt and eventually make Christmas a better time for everyone he originally affected. Scrooge changes from a cold-hearted miser,†¦show more content†¦First, Present takes him to his employee’s house where Scrooge learns how poor and sorrowful his employee, Bob Cratchit, is. Their family is struggling and Tiny Tim, the youngest member of the C ratchit family, is crippled. Unfortunately for Tiny Tim, death may be coming very soon, but he does not care. He is very optimistic and loves everyone by saying, â€Å"God bless us everyone,† (704). Next, Present shows Scrooge his nephew’s house and how everyone dislikes him, yet his nephew still toasts to his life. Once he does so his wife seems astonished as she says, â€Å"A toast to him?† (709). Soon the Ghost of Christmas Present deliquesces and disappears. Suddenly, the Ghost of Christmas Future appears and tries to teach him not to continue being a miser. Although Future doesn’t say a word, he changes Scrooge the most. The first thing Future shows him is three men talking about a certain man that died. â€Å"I thought he’d never die,† (712) stated one of the men. Next, Future shows Scrooge a group of poor thieves trading some of the valuable items they stole. Apparently, one of the thieves stole clothes right off of a dead manâ⠂¬â„¢s body. â€Å"They’d have wasted it, if it hadn’t been for me,† (715) said the thief. Then, Future took Scrooge to the Cratchit’s house where they learned Tiny Tim had died as well as some man everyone was talking about. Scrooge didn’t know who the dead man was. He’d simply assumed it was Marley; however, it turned out to be him. Future pointed right